Hello humans,
Hope you’re all ok, this week is quite a lot for me as the timetable has changed going from a three day week in which isn’t was a subject per day (due to COVID) to a regular 5 day multiple lessons a day week.
I’m writing this on Sunday before I’ve had any experience of this and I am terrified of how exhausted I will be, so I am trying to make it less stressful at home so that with the help of free periods, home can be home and school can be school. Because of this I have had to adjust, namely my bag, which is the size of a year sevens and filled with endless notes.
Currently in my bag there is:
Pencil case
Laptop and charger (to use in free periods for revision)
Revision notes for module 1 of history (in case we need it to revise for mocks)
Current topic notes for history
Sociology notes and workbooks
Pack of flash cards
Basically the bag is full and heavy, in reality most of this stuff I may not need, I’m not sure what if any revision we will be doing in history so I’ve had to bring two module worth of notes just in case. I’ve been using my iPad for class for months which works really well and means I have less to carry but I’ve decided to take my laptop in at least in the lead up to mocks in order to make revision easier and to get it all done within the school day.
On Monday I have a lesson (Sociology) first period 9-10:30 and then I have History last period 1:45-3:15 basically meaning I have around 3 hours free including lunch, in which I can complete any homework set from sociology and really focus in on my revision. I was tempted to take in one of the texts for English literature to read over but then decided not to after my bag began to hip get heavier.
On another matter, my personal statement is due in Monday 14/6/21 (yesterday for those reading on Tuesday) and I’ve had it done since last Thursday and have spent the past four days making edits supported by friends and family who have critiqued it for me. This is only the first draft I know, but it was important that I had confirmation that the whole thing was not utterly useless upon submitting it to college.
I spent my Saturday on an Open Day at Leeds University (virtual of course) and am planning on attending some other events during this week. It was really informative and exciting to be researching and engaging with universities, but also made me aware of how fast things are going. This coming week I will be signing up to UCAS and preparing for mocks which will help to decide the grades I apply to university with. And to be honest it is really scary and whilst I think I’m managing somewhat, I always want to be open about how and what I find challenging.
It’s now Tuesday (15th June) and I’ve had two days of the new timetable. It’s actually been ok and I enjoyed finishing at 12 today, but I’m honestly exhausted with all the change mixed with all of the social interaction the new timetable has brought around. It’s going to take me awhile but I think I’ll get used to it sooner or later.
See you next time,
E x