Hello Humans,
Sorry it’s been so long, truthfully I have just been so busy and I knew something had to give so sadly the blog had to be put on the back birder for a bit but I’m hoping to be back regularly soon. I’ve got lots of ideas for posts but today 23rd March 2021 marks one year of lockdown and so I wanted to reflect on the last year.
This time last year I was living a completely different life, I’d just lost my dad but was completely focused on my GCSEs, I was working all day as well as attending rehearsals for the dance festival and drama club weekly. My week was simple but structured and I loved it, I travelled to and from school with my friend brandon and spent my evenings revising and FaceTiming my friends.
That’s very different to now, I’ve moved to college and I’ve moved house. We got a dog. I attend all sorts of extra programmes as well as my A-levels. But something I was thinking about a lot was how my friendship circle has changed.
This time last year I had a core group of four amazing friends, and we’d been through a lot together, some bad, but mostly amazing. Despite a few of us doing different things, it never seemed to phase us, me, Sarah and Brandon were at Cedars Sixth Form, Katherine was still at the main school and Sean was doing something else. But, still every night we forgot the separation and called for hours, often falling asleep on the phone to each other and that’s how we started lockdown. Puzzle Piece united.
Then life happens and the group began to splinter, first was Sarah, after an argument with me and Katherine that had been brewing for months. I think by May/June time lockdown had definitely gotten to us. We began to adjust to things as a four piece and then the world reopened and we all headed back to school, and this time we were all splitting up. Katherine was staying at cedars, Sean was back at Gateshead College, Brandon started Travel and Tourism at Gateshead, Sarah started Childcare at Newcastle College and I started my A-levels.
It was so dramatically different and we were all changing so quickly. Now, one year one, I still speak to Brandon and Katherine everyday, and I think they’ll always be my friends; we’re even planning a trip to the lakes in the summer. I speak to Sean fairly regularly and were the same as ever, me and Sarah are a bit more situant but still friendly and I’d love to catch up with her in person when the world reopens.
But I’ve realised I’ve focused a lot of my friendship group, and in fact I think I’ve changed an awful lot myself. I’ve had to grow up a lot after my dad died, and tried to help my mam as much as I can. I’ve taken on the workload of three A-levels and all of the other commitments I have. I’ve also began to look at universities and clearly the most important development this past year is that I’ve found a new obsession, and I am pleased to say I am now completely back in the phase of being a fan of One Direction.
Yes, people may mock and they often do (thanks mam) but it has honestly really helped me through all of the changes of the last year, I could find comfort in a band I loved as a child.
I’m hoping to upload fairly regularly, the aim is once a week Tuesday at 7pm, but we’ll see how it goes.
See you next time,