Hello Humans,
I’m really struggling to motivate myself to write this blog and I asked a friend for blog ideas, all he said was “me” which was slightly annoying and very narcissistic.
But it did inspire me to look at the positives in my life right now, because it’s something I definitely struggle to do, especially when the world is so bleak right now.
The UK is at the worst point of the pandemic and the ever changing rules and uncertainty has finally caught up to me and my need for routine and structure.
However, I’m trying to look on the more positive side of things, which is not easy for a natural pessimist. I’m doing moderately well in my A-levels and starting to make some friends as well as coming to a good place with some older friends.
Something else I’m really grateful for is music! I’ve always loved singing, some of you may remember an 11 year old me posting singing videos on an Instagram that is definitely on private!
But I think I’ve only developed a love for music over the past 18 months, it staryed with musicals like Hamilton and has changed and widened into a mixture of genres especially over lockdown.
I’m not afraid to admit that in the first lockdown I found myself completely loving One Direction and their solo music after not being a huge fan for a long time. I loved their hits as a kid but now I’m completly obsessed. Yes, everyone I know takes the mick out of me for it but I don’t care.
I’m also grateful for my family who put so much effort into making my birthday so incredible despite not being able to see anyone!
I hope you’re able to find somethinhs to be grateful for, I have many more but my English teacher set a lot of homework! Definitely not grateful for that!!
See you next time,
E x