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  • Writer's pictureebeckreck

Christmas 2020

Hello Humans,

Today is the 22nd December which means its 3 days till Christmas!!! But also for my family today is hard as it’s 11 months since my dad died.

Honestly I’m dreading Christmas, with all of the restrictions and this being the first without my dad, it’s not going to be the joyous occasion it usually is. Its also the first Christmas in the new house so it’s strange to start new traditions and carry on old ones. One of my favourite new traditions is Christmas bedding, which we put on once we’d broken up from school. It was lovely to come home to on Friday!

I’m so glad to have the break from college but also I know there’s a lot of things I can do, although there’s been very little set work, there’s stuff I know getting done now will make things easier in the future! Let’s hope I find the balance of getting work done but also resting sufficiently.

As I’m writing this (19th) we’ve just yesterday been informed that my first week back will be online due to government advice. I’m quite sceptical about what this actually means and whether it will end up being longer than a week but equally it’ll be nice to not have the commute and just turn my laptop on a few minutes before the lesson starts.

My point is that this year has been filled with uncertainty and it appears it continues! I never imagined I’d ever have such a drastically different Christmas, and for someone who likes things to be consistent its difficult not to get anxious about all the changes.

I hope that whatever happens you have an amazing Christmas and that next year is easier than this one!

I’ll be back in the new year (apart from my monthly roundup)

See you in 2021,

E x

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